Your tent doesn't offer lightning protection. If you find yourself in a situation where you're camping during a thunderstorm, it's important to remember that, contrary to what you might think, your tent is not your friend and you should only take refuge in it safely if you have no other options. Staying inside a tent during a thunderstorm is not recommended. Lightning will strike the highest point.
Avoid camping near trees, high ground, or open areas, by taking refuge in a building or facility vehicle. Close car windows and avoid contact with handles, shift levers, or any other metal object. Ideally, if you have the time, disassemble your tent quickly and leave the area, especially if you are on higher ground. Also on the edge of the forest or under separate trees, you should not open your tent under any circumstances to risk electrical storms.
If you are forced to sleep in a tent in a situation like this, it is essential that you look for an appropriate place that offers sufficient protection, not just against lightning. These little tips are easy to remember and will help you feel a little more prepared the next time you hear thunder in the distance while you're curled up in your tent. You should avoid setting up a tent under large branches like this, especially if there are strong winds. According to the National Lightning Safety Council, many of the lightning victims who were camping were in tents just steps away from their vehicle, which could have been a safe place during the storm.
If it's a big, heavy tent, you'll need very heavy types and a double stake: you're much more at risk from the wind than from lightning. Ultimately, while camping during a thunderstorm is not advisable, risks can be mitigated primarily with good safety practices and good preparation. Compared to a car, a tent cannot function as a faradic cage, since it is capable of transporting electricity from its surface to the surrounding ground. Even if you use a tent with aluminum poles, it's a myth that metal attracts lightning.
It is recommended that you unplug any electrical appliance, remove the EHU, and place it in a vehicle for safety reasons during an electrical storm. If you have no choice but to be in a tent during a lightning storm, your safety will increase or decrease depending on where you place the tent. Ideally, you should place your tent away from trees and in a lower area that is not at risk of flooding, such as a shallow depression. But what should you do when you can't avoid a thunderstorm? If you're already in the interior of the country and a storm is sneaking up on you, there are a few things you can do to weather the storm with minimal threat.
Many people place poles outside their tents, which increases the risk of being hit than in a tent. The wind can also be dangerous, as not only can it lift the tent and throw debris everywhere, but it can also increase the risk of hypothermia and make it difficult for the body to maintain its temperature.