Most bear experts recommend having a bear spray can in your tent. Used correctly, bear spray has proven to be more reliable and effective than a firearm at deterring bears. Many bear experts recommend sleeping away from the tent wall. If the bear approaches you, it may appear calm, with its ears facing forward and making no sound.
Stand firm, talk, and wave your arms slowly. When the bear stops, slowly back away. Wait to see if the bear also retreats. If you do, keep moving back and stop if the bear starts to approach again.
Stay still, stay calm, and let the bear identify you and leave. Speak in a normal tone of voice. Make sure the bear has an escape route. In the event of a bear sighting, stay calm and don't run.
Move away slowly, make noise, and try to scare him away by making himself look big. Throw rocks or sticks at the bear while you scream or scream. Pick up young children or pets for protection. In the grizzly bear camp (don't do that in black bear country, since black bears are much better at climbing trees than you are), you can camp next to an escape tree.
But the next camp we went to didn't have them, so we called the rangers when we found out that a bear had gotten into a car at that camp. Many bears have discovered that portable coolers, bags, and boxes are full of food; never leave them in your tent or anywhere a bear can see, smell, or reach. This includes what types of bears are active in the area you are going to camp in and the likelihood that they will encounter bears, so you can assess the danger they pose. You can prevent a bear from trying to steal food from any camper if you cook and eat inside and give him a good dose of pepper spray.
Leave half a meter or so between you and the wall of the tent in case a curious bear decides to bite or scratch the sides of the tent. To reduce the amount of garbage and save space, remove food from its original package and repackage it in plastic bags to reduce odor and to allow more food to fit in the bear-resistant container. If you're camping in rural areas or far from your car, you can store “stinky produce” in a bear-proof container or hang it high on a tree branch. Bears are more likely to be close to their food, since they prefer to eat foods that are relatively high in nutrients and that are easy to digest.
When backpacking or camping in an underdeveloped area, organize a safe camp for bears to protect their food and avoid attracting bears. We've compiled these tips to keep you safe from bears while camping so that you and the bears are safe. The best way to avoid unwanted encounters with bears is to not lure them to your camp with tempting scents and scents. Remember that bear spray is not a substitute for taking all the necessary precautions to avoid problems in the bear field.
Bear's ingenuity and experience with people's food are essential to storing food in a country where bears live. Backpacking or hiking to the campground can be a little different than camping by car in Bear Country. Talk to rangers or hosts for any advice or information they have about places where bears have recently been active around the camp and where they like to hang out.